Monday 5 March 2012

Critical Reflection And Reflective Learning Diaries

At the start of my academic year  was introduced to goals and achievement that were to be required of the completion of this year. The goals were aimed to help my development in my professional and personal skills. I was also required to gain knowledge and experience in pratical learning style.

The start of the year was overwhelming and that upset my concentration. I thought the course was going to be easy for me to gasp and I will be able to understand due to my skills that I have gained from college however I was proven wrong as I find it hard to develop my skills further and take on new skills when introduced to new software I've never worked with before. I dont know if it had to do with my concentration skills or the fact that I wasnt taking my course seriously and now I can feel the effect on me and my progress in my course.

I wish I had the right equipment and softwares to help me fourther. because being a window person and not having the softwares to entice me into praticing and developing my skills had affected me greatly. I take full responsible for my undergrowth in my studies and my last minute approach to everything I have ever done personal wise or pratical wise. I only pray that I've done enough to get me through to second year because I know that I havent done anything to help myself into progressing. and my time management need to improve by getting on top of my work, getting the research done on time and practising more

All be said and done, i actually enjoyed some of the projects given to us especially the project that was about critical reflection and reflective learning. i love the fact that it was all about experiementing and using your interpersonal skills in the project .the project was all about getting to know more about your learning style and how to improve on it. and i'm sure this will help me in second year. new goal for second year. less partying and socialising and more concentrating on my education.

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